Things That Homeowners Must Do When Moving In

Unpacked your new home? Now do these tasks!
You’ve cleared the hurdles of finding the right house, securing your mortgage, and moving in – congratulations, you are now a New Homeowner! While you may have collapsed onto the sofa after a long day of unpacking, don’t get too comfortable. Before you can enjoy that well deserved nap and drift off to sleep, don’t forget to complete a few essential safety precautions.
Here are the top safety suggestions for all new homeowners:
Get new keys and change the locks – Did the previous homeowner gave the key to every family member and every neighbor? Since you don’t know, consider changing the locks as soon as you move in and change the code to the garage door. Personalize entry and you’ve made your house yours.
Get to know your utilities – Get familiar with all of the systems in your house. Understand where they are located and how to operate the water valve and power boxes in an emergency.
Get service checks – While the house comes with nifty appliances, they may not be in the best condition. Hire professionals to inspect the appliances as well as the chimney, cooler, heater, and fireplace to make sure that they’re ready to use throughout the year.
Get new batteries – The smoke and carbon monoxide alarms should be checked as soon as possible. If the batteries are running low, replace them with fresh ones so that your family and home is kept safe. Establish a routine to make sure those safety precautions are always in working order.
When you’re looking to sell or purchase a home in the San Diego area, contact the Jenn Blake Real Estate Group at 858.663.6788.