
Deck the Halls with These Holiday Decorating Safety Tips in Mind!

Get ready for the festive season safely by using these tips.

Have you started stringing up holiday lights? Hanging the boughs of holly? Strategically placing the mistletoe above the front door? Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, you’re likely to jazz up your home for the holiday season! Even though many of us can get swept up in the joy of the season, it’s critical to stay safe so that your celebrations go off without a hitch.

Here’s how to keep your holidays safe (and festivities buzzing):

Light it Up: Before you hang up all of your holiday lights, be sure to separate the ones intended for exterior use and interior use. Indoor lights are for use inside the house only… it sounds obvious but it happens…. Please double check each set of lights for broken wires and lights, and replace damaged and non operational bulbs.

Keep it Watered: If you have a live tree, be sure to water it frequently. Hydrated trees are much less likely to catch fire than those that get dry. When finding the right spot for the tree, choose an area that is safely away from heat sources and high traffic areas.

Step up Safely: When hanging up lights outside or putting the star on top of the tree, be sure to use a safe and steady ladder. We can all relate to a classic, albeit dangerous, family legend about “Uncle So-And-So” putting up holiday decor.  Ladders should be used on level, firm ground with leg levels adders if you’re on an incline.  Try enlisting the kids to hold the ladder to avoid unnecessarily dangerous situations.

Plug In: Read labels for lights and other wired decorations to make sure you’re conforming to acceptable wattage levels. Take care not to overload the circuits by adding too many plugs into extension cords.

Steady Your Blowups: The adorable inflatable snowman greeting neighbors from the front lawn can quickly become a dangerous projectile if you don’t follow manufacturer’s instructions for securing it. Can you imagine a scene right out of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?  It’s best to turn off the fan blowers when it’s windy, when you’re not home for extended periods of time, or before going to bed.  Have your friends ever played a prank on you with a holiday inflatable?  It can be a fun, family tradition… just sayin’.

Clear the Chimney: Don’t smoke out Santa or your other guests with a dirty chimney! Consider hiring a chimney sweep to remove dust, debris, and creosote from your chimney so that you can enjoy warm winter fires.  Especially important to think about fireplace maintenance in San Diego when warm temperatures have kept our fireplaces dormant for months.

Care with Candles: Placement is critical with candles – keep them away from curtains, bedding, paper, walls, and other areas with the potential to combust. Keep candles far out of reach from pets’ prying paws and curious children.  Always take care to extinguish before leaving the house and going to bed.  Santa can find his way without candlelight!

Are you waiting for your ideal home to dress it up for the holidays? Don’t wait – Contact Jenn Blake Real Estate Group at Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty in San Diego, California at 858-663-6788 for quality real estate services.

Deck the Halls with These Holiday Decorating Safety Tips in Mind!
December 7, 2016
Jenn Blake

Get ready for the festive season safely by using these tips.

Have you started stringing up holiday lights? Hanging the boughs of holly? Strategically placing the mistletoe above the front door? Whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, you’re likely to jazz up your home for the holiday season! Even though many of us can get swept up in the joy of the season, it’s critical to stay safe so that your celebrations go off without a hitch.

Here’s how to keep your holidays safe (and festivities buzzing):

Light it Up: Before you hang up all of your holiday lights, be sure to separate the ones intended for exterior use and interior use. Indoor lights are for use inside the house only… it sounds obvious but it happens…. Please double check each set of lights for broken wires and lights, and replace damaged and non operational bulbs.

Keep it Watered: If you have a live tree, be sure to water it frequently. Hydrated trees are much less likely to catch fire than those that get dry. When finding the right spot for the tree, choose an area that is safely away from heat sources and high traffic areas.

Step up Safely: When hanging up lights outside or putting the star on top of the tree, be sure to use a safe and steady ladder. We can all relate to a classic, albeit dangerous, family legend about “Uncle So-And-So” putting up holiday decor.  Ladders should be used on level, firm ground with leg levels adders if you’re on an incline.  Try enlisting the kids to hold the ladder to avoid unnecessarily dangerous situations.

Plug In: Read labels for lights and other wired decorations to make sure you’re conforming to acceptable wattage levels. Take care not to overload the circuits by adding too many plugs into extension cords.

Steady Your Blowups: The adorable inflatable snowman greeting neighbors from the front lawn can quickly become a dangerous projectile if you don’t follow manufacturer’s instructions for securing it. Can you imagine a scene right out of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?  It’s best to turn off the fan blowers when it’s windy, when you’re not home for extended periods of time, or before going to bed.  Have your friends ever played a prank on you with a holiday inflatable?  It can be a fun, family tradition… just sayin’.

Clear the Chimney: Don’t smoke out Santa or your other guests with a dirty chimney! Consider hiring a chimney sweep to remove dust, debris, and creosote from your chimney so that you can enjoy warm winter fires.  Especially important to think about fireplace maintenance in San Diego when warm temperatures have kept our fireplaces dormant for months.

Care with Candles: Placement is critical with candles – keep them away from curtains, bedding, paper, walls, and other areas with the potential to combust. Keep candles far out of reach from pets’ prying paws and curious children.  Always take care to extinguish before leaving the house and going to bed.  Santa can find his way without candlelight!

Are you waiting for your ideal home to dress it up for the holidays? Don’t wait – Contact Jenn Blake Real Estate Group at Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty in San Diego, California at 858-663-6788 for quality real estate services.